Pastoral Care Update

Dear parents and students,

Term one has been a busy yet rewarding term with many initiatives and programs run for our students.

It has been an exciting experience to meet our new Year 7 students and introduce them to our Pastoral Care programs. There has been an overwhelming level of interest and participation by our Year 7 students which has been great to see. Students attend weekly after school sessions where they complete homework, engage in discussions focused on values and personal development as well as enjoy collective activities such as baking, sports and games.

Year 8-12 students also have similar weekly programs and other events designed for their progress and enjoyment. Our senior students are also provided with opportunities for academic development and achievement through programs specifically catered to their needs such as our recently initiated Senior Academic Program.

One of our focus areas is responding to social justice projects and we try to encourage all our students to grow into caring and compassionate members of our community who contribute to the resolution of our contemporary world issues. Currently, Year 12 students are working on a project to raise funds for the refurbishment of the physiotherapy room of an orphanage in Vietnam. So far through their efforts (selling farm produce, weekly sausage sizzles and cake stalls, teacher vs students soccer match and more), students have raised more than three thousand dollars and will work on this project throughout the year to achieve their goal.

We would love for each and every one of our students to take part in all initiatives and to benefit from these programs. Our students and their parents are also welcome to approach their teachers with ideas and requests for programs and outings. Teachers please announce the following events through channels such as Seqta, assemblies and verbal reminders; and parents, I urge you to actively respond to messages and permission slips so that your children can avail themselves of all the wonderful opportunities on offer.

Ruveyda Ozturk